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About the 6/15 Green Blog

Brooklyn, NY
Welcome to the 6/15 Green community garden blog. This is a place where our community can share stories, poems, photos, memories, recipies, and all other experiences of the garden. For information on 6/15 Green, please see the official website. To share information on the garden or communicate with members, please use the member Google Group.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Calling all garden members--Volunteers needed

We can definitely use your help making the Plant Sale both fun and profitable for the garden.
The following message is from Jessica regarding the garden plant sale.  Please reach out to her if you have any questions ( or sign up directly in the spot below.  

As you know, the Plant Sale is one of the major fund-raising events for the garden.  But, it's also really a lot of fun for everyone who helps out.  You'll get to talk with friends and neighbors who are visiting the garden, get to play with lots of cool plants and get to feel really good about helping raise some moooolah to cover garden expenses.
The Plant Sale will be on two weekends:
Saturday, May 7th & Sunday May 8th (Mother's Day)  from 11-3
Saturday, May 14th (during the Spring Festival) & Sunday May 15th from 11-3
We really need some help during each of those days and during setup and breakdown time.
Here's a link to a Google chart with all the time slots for the Sale Days:
You should be able to enter your info right into the chart.

Please consider lending a hand, even if it's only for an hour or so (well, you know that the more time you can spare, the better, though).  We need several folks to pitch in for each time shift.
We really need YOU to make this a great success!
Thanks, everyone!

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