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About the 6/15 Green Blog

Brooklyn, NY
Welcome to the 6/15 Green community garden blog. This is a place where our community can share stories, poems, photos, memories, recipies, and all other experiences of the garden. For information on 6/15 Green, please see the official website. To share information on the garden or communicate with members, please use the member Google Group.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Fresh Start

Here's a post I meant to do in the fall but things got busy. But it still works as I like to think about my plans for my plot at the beginning of each year.

All the work in the back corner of the garden inspired me to clear my plot for a fresh start 2014.  For awhile I have been debating taking out a rose bush that tended to grow out of control and extend it's thorns into my neighbors' plots and I decided that this was the year to do it. I also cleared out the dead tomato plants and other compost. In the spring I plan to plant a bit differently than I've done in years past with more veggies and greens. I can't wait!  And of course I plan to give updates in this blog. Here are my before and after pics.

And after:

What are your plans for the garden this year?

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