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About the 6/15 Green Blog

Brooklyn, NY
Welcome to the 6/15 Green community garden blog. This is a place where our community can share stories, poems, photos, memories, recipies, and all other experiences of the garden. For information on 6/15 Green, please see the official website. To share information on the garden or communicate with members, please use the member Google Group.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

It's time to join or renew membership in 6/15 Green!

It's that time of year, everyone! Time to renew your garden membership. Or if you want to join the garden, it's time for open membership. There are still four times available for signing up for 2015:
  • · Saturday, February 14, 11:00am-12:00pm (in the garden)
  • · Wednesday, February 25, 7:00-9:00pm (at the general meeting)
  • · Sunday, March 8, 11:00am-12:00pm (in the garden)
  • · Wednesday, March 25, 7-9:00pm (at the general meeting) 
General meetings are at SJME Lutheran Church at 283 Prospect Avenue starting at 7 pm.

Remember this important information that was in the letter that went out to members: "Garden members must renew by March 25 to retain individual stewardships or to maintain their place on the individual stewardship waiting list. No applications for garden membership will be accepted after the March 26 meeting. Returning compost members should also plan to renew during this period; it will, however, be possible for new members to join as compost members later in the year."

Looking forward to seeing new members and familiar faces in the garden this year!