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About the 6/15 Green Blog

Brooklyn, NY
Welcome to the 6/15 Green community garden blog. This is a place where our community can share stories, poems, photos, memories, recipies, and all other experiences of the garden. For information on 6/15 Green, please see the official website. To share information on the garden or communicate with members, please use the member Google Group.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Changes in the Garden

Thanks everyone for your patience while I've been on a bit of a maternity leave from the blog.  Now that my little guy is almost 4 months, I'm hoping to blog more regularly now.  With the little one, I haven't made it to the garden much lately but I went today and was amazed by all the work that has been going on.  For anyone who hasn't been to the garden lately, check out what's been going on.  Clearly people have been working really hard to make our space a great one for everyone.

The greenhouse is now at the front of the garden

And a lot has been done at the back of the garden for the new retaining wall

Clearly it's been a lot of work!